Bench Memos

Law & the Courts

The ‘Unreasonable’ Israeli Supreme Court?

Please join me next Monday, January 22, for a Zoom webinar conversation that I’ll be having with Israeli constitutional scholar Yaacov Ben-Shemesh about two momentous decisions issued by the Israeli Supreme Court two weeks ago.

The event, titled “A Constitutional Moment in Wartime: The Reasonableness of the Israeli Supreme Court Decision?” will explore for an American audience the striking differences between the American and Israeli legal systems and the dominant role that the Israeli supreme court has carved out for itself. Professor Ben-Shemesh will explain and address the recent decisions.

Professor Ben-Shemesh should be a particularly interesting source of insights. He was a law clerk years ago to Israeli chief justice Aharon Barak, chief architect of the Israeli supreme court’s extraordinary decades-long power grab. Ben-Shemesh is a political liberal, but vigorously objects to some of the Israeli supreme court’s ventures (even as he is, from what I can tell, more accepting than conservative critics of other aspects of what the court has done).

The event will take place at 1:00 ET on Monday. Please register here.

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