Bench Memos

Re: Goodwin Liu’s Sloppy Homework

Thanks to blogger Morgen of Verum Serum, I’ve learned of two more speeches and presentations that Goodwin Liu failed to include on his questionnaire response:  a spring 2004 Berkeley/La Raza colloquium entitled “Mendez v. Westminster: 1946 – A California Look at Brown v. Board of Education”—hmmm, what could potentially be controversial about a Berkeley/La Raza presentation? (ask Justice Sotomayor)—and a September 2005 presentation to the Asian Pacific Bar Association of the Silicon Valley on “The Fate of Affirmative Action from the O’Connor Court to the Roberts Court.” 

So a part-time blogger has dug up four presentations by Liu that Liu and his team of vetters somehow failed to locate.  That same blogger has found online a transcript of one highly controversial presentation by Liu and a video of another highly controversial one, both in cases in which Liu said that his thorough search, including of online resources, had failed to provide any evidence of what he said.

What else might Liu have failed to provide?  It’s time for Liu and his vetters to do their homework again—to make sure that the Judiciary Committee actually has his full record in front of it—before there’s any more talk of scheduling a confirmation hearing.

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