Bench Memos

Law & the Courts

Radical DOJ Civil Rights Head Kristen Clarke Lied to Senate During Confirmation Process

Compelling new evidence has emerged that Kristen Clarke, the controversial head of DOJ’s Civil Rights Division (and avid proponent of its loony transgender agenda), lied to the Senate during her confirmation process in 2021. As this Daily Signal article reports, Clarke was arrested in July 2006 after she attacked her then-husband with a knife, “deeply slicing his finger to the bone.” But when Senator Tom Cotton asked her in writing after her confirmation hearing, “Since becoming a legal adult, have you ever been arrested for or accused of committing a violent crime against any person,” Clarke falsely answered “No.”

Clarke’s arrest record, I’ll note, was expunged under Maryland law. But expungement doesn’t erase the reality that Clarke was arrested for committing a violent crime, and Maryland law can’t override Clarke’s duty under federal law to testify truthfully during the confirmation process.

For all of his faults, the Joe Biden who was chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee when I was a Republican staffer on that committee three decades ago would have been angry as hell to discover that one of Bill Clinton’s DOJ nominees lied to the committee. Will Biden as president now allow Clarke to remain in her position? Will Judiciary Committee chairman Dick Durbin be a coward?

Biden should tell Clarke to resign, and Durbin and other Democrats should demand that she do so.

Incidentally, in a sign that the plot lines are converging, Clarke is slated to be the keynote speaker at Columbia law school’s graduation on May 13.

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