Bench Memos

Law & the Courts

‘Misplaying the Race Card’

That’s the title of my new Confirmation Tales post, which explores the opposition to George H.W. Bush’s nomination of Ed Carnes to the Eleventh Circuit in 1992. An excerpt:

What disturbing things in Carnes’s record, I wondered, could have spurred thirty senators to vote against cloture on his nomination?

The answer I discovered amazed me. But it shouldn’t have.

One of the very ugly aspects of the judicial-confirmation process in recent decades is how recklessly the Left wields the race card against conservative judicial nominees. That’s especially true for white male conservatives from the South. As the Carnes nomination shows, it doesn’t matter whether a nominee has demonstrated a clear commitment to principles of racial equality, and it doesn’t matter whether civil-rights activists and others who actually know him and have worked with him forcefully attest to his commitment.

I invite you to sign up for Confirmation Tales.


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