Bench Memos

Correcting Phi Beta Cons

Yesterday over at Phi Beta Cons, Anthony Paletta blogged about a contretemps up at Middlebury College in Vermont, regarding the creation of a William H. Rehnquist chair on the faculty.  Very interesting, and very revealing of the small-mindedness of a lot of folks in those broadening disciplines called the liberal arts.  Just one error by Anthony, however: Rehnquist was not an alumnus of Middlebury, as he indicated (and his source doesn’t say the late chief was).  Rehnquist had a bachelor’s, master’s, and law degree from Stanford, and a second master’s from Harvard—both master’s degrees in political science, incidentally.

Which makes it curiouser—why is there a Rehnquist chair at Middlebury?  I suppose a donor admired him, but all we know from the campus paper at the college is that the chief justice visited there once.

Matthew J. Franck is a senior fellow of the Witherspoon Institute, a contributing editor of Public Discourse, and professor emeritus of political science at Radford University.
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