Bench Memos

Law & the Courts

A Year-End Invitation

Please indulge my once-a-year pitch.

It’s been quite a year here at Bench Memos. One special highlight for me is that I broke the news of the incident at Stanford law school at which leftist students crudely disrupted a Federalist Society event featuring Fifth Circuit judge Kyle Duncan. In addition to posting the viral nine-minute video, I relentlessly exposed and critiqued the developments that led to apologies to Judge Duncan from Stanford’s president and law-school dean and to the resignation of Stanford’s DEI officer.

If you enjoy my posts here on Bench Memos and my other writings and appreciate the impact that I’ve had over the years, then I invite you to support the Ethics and Public Policy Center (in addition to supporting National Review).

Now that I’ve stepped down as EPPC president, I’m dedicating myself full-time to my program work. The flip side of that is that the funds that I raise for my program now need to cover my full salary and other expenses.

I’m delighted that my incredibly talented successor Ryan Anderson is taking EPPC to new heights, so I’d also be very grateful if you choose to give to EPPC’s general operations.

If you do donate, please specify, in one fashion or another, whether you would like your generous contribution to support my work or EPPC’s general operations.

May the Christmas season bring you many blessings, and may you enjoy a wonderful New Year!

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