Who’s Ready for Hillary?

Former secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaks at an event at the White House in Washington, D.C., September 12, 2023. (Kevin Lamarque/Reuters)

‘When I do pray, which is at least twice a day, to Jesus, I pray for the health not only of our president but of our great country.’

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IN RE: Proposed remarks and delivery guidance for CODENAME: BATTLE OF STALINGRAD

“Off the cuff” remarks on the tarmac, July 23, 11:45

“Well, you know, I mean, obviously the president is the one to make the call. He needs to assess, with his family and his medical team, the right path forward. This really is a family thing. But look, clearly we can’t have another four years of Donald Trump, am I right? And if Joe and Jill Biden are saying that they’re up to the task, well, let me say this. They’re both in my prayers, and when I do pray, which is at least twice a day, to Jesus, I pray for the health not only of our president but of our great country.”

Wardrobe: simple dress, casual look, maybe a baseball cap

Props: Bible (will provide you with one with post-its and obvious bookmarks and highlighter-pen attachment. PLEASE RETURN to prop master after delivering remarks.)

Key gestures: reaching out to BC (who will be placed to your right) when you say the word “family” and small catch in the throat somewhere between “president” and “great country.” When remarks are completed, begin to turn away, then stop as if about to say something, then think better of it and walk away after exchanging meaningful look with BC.

Response to “surprise” poll results, August 12, 09:33

“Whaaaaa? I’m where? How many points up? Wait a minute. I hadn’t seen this. You’re telling me this for the first time. This is new to me. So, wait, I’m up against, against Donald Trump? By what? That’s actually landslide territory. If I were running. Well, you know, obviously I am not, I mean, we have a nominee. Not at this exact moment, but, you know, a presumptive one. If all goes according to Jill’s plan. But I’m honored that Americans clearly think of me as a leader in a difficult and challenging moment. I’m sorry, what? Am I a possible alternative? Let me be clear: I am not running. I am not in the wings.”

Wardrobe: no-nonsense pantsuit

Props: Bible (will be provided with same Bible) and The Diary of Anne Frank

Key gestures: light and casual chuckles throughout, air quotes on “running” and “in the wings”

Arriving in Chicago, “surprised” by cheering crowd, August 19, 10:50

“Hello everyone! What a wonderful spontaneous and unplanned welcome! So happy to be here in the City of Big Shoulders! And that’s what America needs right now! A pair of big shoulders to rely on, as we face the challenges that lie ahead. Big shoulders to carry us into the future, into safe streets and a secure border, into a growing economy without inflation, into good schools for our kids and jobs in technology and advanced industries. Energy independence! A safe and secure Medicare! Social Security that’s secure! But wait a second here. I am not giving a stump speech! That’s, you know, that’s not appropriate at this time. As you know, I am here really in an observer capacity, and of course I plan to visit with the president as soon as his nurse — I mean, his team — gives me the go-ahead. God bless America!”

Wardrobe: travel pantsuit

Props: Bible, small American flag, ethnically ambiguous children holding each hand (will be provided by media team upon touchdown at ORD)

Key gestures: hands in the air, smiles, open-hand flat-blade gesture during stump-speech portion.

“Leaked iPhone video” conversation, August 20, 09:30

“It’s about America, Bill. Not about me or you or anyone. It’s about the guy in Pennsylvania who is worried about inflation. It’s about the moms in Wisconsin and Nevada and Arizona who want to know if the streets are going to be safe for their kids. It’s about people concerned that there’s nobody fighting for them, for America, for the future. So, yes, I’ll do it. If they ask, I’ll say yes. I am ready for this fight, Bill.”

Wardrobe: power pantsuit

Props: Bible, copy of the Constitution, Letters from a Birmingham Jail, six ethnically ambiguous children colorfully arranged in a semicircle (ground team will handle)

Key gestures: wiping away single tear, clasping BC’s hands, leaning forward for “confidential chat” and if it feels right maybe even a hug (child or BC TBD)

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