Dobbs Was Only the Beginning

Pro-life activists celebrate outside the Supreme Court as the court rules in Dobbs v. Women’s Health Organization overturning Roe v. Wade in Washington, D.C., June 24, 2022. (Evelyn Hockstein/Reuters)

On the heels of a historic victory 50 years in the making, now is not the time for pro-lifers to surrender any ground.

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On the heels of a historic victory 50 years in the making, now is not the time for pro-lifers to surrender any ground.

W ith the Dobbs decision two years ago today, the American people sent Roe v. Wade to the ash heap of history, where it belongs. I have always believed that a society can be judged by how it treats its most vulnerable: the aged, the infirm, the disabled, and the unborn. We took one crucial step closer to being a more compassionate nation the day Roe was wiped away. Now the question facing the conservative movement, and our nation as a whole, is where we go from here.

The end of Roe did not mark the end of our fight for life, but the end of the beginning.

We must work to advance the sanctity of life at every level, state and federal, though some in my party may disagree. The Supreme Court’s decision did not return the power to regulate abortion solely to the states — but also to the American people. While it is true the American people elect governors and legislators, they also elect congressmen, senators, and presidents. There is no reason for conservatives to abandon the fight for life at the federal level and focus exclusively on the states. We can and should do both.

If we truly believe that human life is precious, how can we abandon the unborn to the radical abortion-on-demand policies of the far Left in places like California, New York, and Colorado? If the life of an unborn child is sacred because she is created in the image of God, why should it matter which state she happens to reside in?

The fact is, the right to life is the civil right of our time. Like all civil rights, the right to life must apply universally to all Americans regardless of their place of residence. We simply cannot have a patchwork of policies that protects the lives of some unborn babies while others are denied those same protections. To allow states the exclusive right to set abortion policy would be to tolerate the height of injustice.

Contrary to Democrats’ claims, a nationwide ban on abortions after 15 weeks is entirely reasonable and would bring U.S. abortion policy in line with most European nations. Today, the abortion laws in many Democrat-run states have more in common with North Korea and China than with other Western nations. It is time for that to change.

Above all, conservatives must never forget that this is a moral cause which demands our action. Those who preach political expediency undermine the cause of justice.

Two years ago, America was given a new beginning for life. On the heels of a historic victory 50 years in the making, now is not the time to surrender any ground. Rather, it is time to push forward with determination and resolve, knowing that we are closer than ever before to our goal of ending the tragedy of abortion once and for all. Life is winning in America – and winners don’t retreat.

Former vice president Mike Pence is the founder of the issue-advocacy organization Advancing American Freedom.
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