NRPLUS Conference Call with Rabbi Meir Soloveichik and Rich Lowry

Rabbi Soloveichik and Rich Lowry discussed the alarming surge of anti-semitism in America, pro-Hamas protests on college campuses, and the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine.

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N ow Available on Demand: Don’t miss the May 2024 NRPLUS conference call with Rabbi Meir Soloveichik, a prominent rabbi, writer, and thinker known for his contributions to Jewish theology and religious thought.

Rabbi Soloveichik and Rich Lowry discussed the alarming surge of anti-semitism in America, pro-Hamas protests on college campuses, and the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine. The call also offers insightful viewpoints on how these matters could impact the Jewish vote in the 2024 presidential election.

Thanks to everyone who joined the call, and we look forward to seeing you next time.

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