
Republican Primary Debate in Iowa: Live Updates

Florida governor Ron DeSantis and former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley at the Republican debate hosted by CNN at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa, January 10, 2024. (Mike Segar/Reuters)
Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley face off Wednesday night for the final GOP primary debate before the Iowa caucuses. For the first time, they won’t be sharing the stage with Chris Christie (who just dropped out) and Vivek Ramaswamy. Donald Trump, as with past debates, is not participating. The event in Des Moines is hosted by CNN. Follow along for live updates and analysis from the NR team:
Jim Geraghty

Somewhere, Florida senator Marco Rubio is watching Haley repeat “DeSantisLies.com” in every possible answer and grumbling, “And they said I sounded like a malfunctioning robot?”

Dominic Pino

I live in a different state from Phil, and I heard him scream when DeSantis said Social Security isn’t an entitlement.

Philip Klein

DeSantis claiming that Social Security isn’t an “entitlement” and that it should not be called “welfare” is an egregious statement more appropriate for Bernie Sanders than for a Republican debate.

Philip Klein

Haley’s plan — tweaking the retirement age for those in their 20s who won’t collect benefits for over 40 years, limiting cost of increases, and increasing Medicare Advantage plans would not go anywhere near for enough to address the entitlement crisis. But at least, unlike DeSantis, she acknowledges there is a problem that needs to be addressed.

Dan McLaughlin

DeSantis complains about Haley calling Social Security an “entitlement” which it definitionally is.

Ramesh Ponnuru

We ran a cover story on why life expectancies in the U.S. are falling: https://www.nationalreview.com/magazine/2023/05/15/why-american-lifespans-are-getting-shorter/

Luther Ray Abel


One has to wonder if the candidates’ relative friendliness toward the moderators has something to do with non-Trump Iowa Rs prioritizing cordiality.

Philip Klein

Also, DeSantis says that we can’t raise the retirement age when life expectancy is decreasing, but in recent years much of the life expectancy decrease was a result of peak Covid deaths.

Dan McLaughlin

These two candidates are really trying hard to obscure how far superior they both are to Donald Trump, Joe Biden, and the various third party nuts.

Jeffrey Blehar

“Ballistic podiatry” will not be making it into the political phrasebook, I suspect.

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