Politics & Policy

Jack Fowler for Milford City Clerk

Jack Fowler outside City Hall in Milford, Conn. (Courtesy FowlerForMilford.com)

Milford, Conn., calls itself “a small city with a big heart.” In the spirit of that motto, the citizens of the harbor town on the Long Island Sound should elect Jack Fowler as city clerk on November 7.

Jack is a 30-year resident of Milford. Over the decades, he poured himself into public service in his hometown. Among other mostly unsung posts, Jack has served on the board of aldermen, the Milford Housing Authority, the September 11 Memorial Commission, the Christ the Redeemer parish council, the Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities, and as a rec-league basketball coach for St. Mary School. For years, he was the cantor at Sunday Mass.

Most importantly, Jack and his gracious wife, Sharon, raised five children in Milford — sending all five to Jonathan Law High School, where each graduated with honors. During one remarkable 16-year stretch, there was always at least one Fowler enrolled at Law High.

We know that Jack Fowler would serve his city with energy, diligence, and selflessness, because we’ve seen it up close. For 33 years — including twelve as publisher — Jack was a dedicated member of the staff at National Review. Everyone who has ever worked at NR can tell stories about Jack’s industry and commitment. Despite the fact that he lived more than 90 minutes by train from NR’s midtown Manhattan offices, he was always the first in the door in the morning.

But Jack Fowler is not merely an experienced executive. He’s a good man and a happy warrior. He always made time for anyone who needed help: interns, subscribers, and staff; doormen and postmen; friends and adversaries. He’d give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. He’d give you a nickel out of his last dime. Through prodigious efforts, he kept NR’s books balanced and the trains running on time. But even as publisher, he’d still wash the dirty dishes left in the office kitchen’s sink and sweep the floors.

During his decades of association with NR, Jack shook the hands of presidents and senators and rubbed elbows with governors and congressmen. But we’re not at all surprised that Jack is running for city clerk. He believes fervently in localism and in citizens running their own affairs.

When he attended the local Republican nominating convention and realized that no one had stepped forward to challenge the Democratic incumbent, he saw it as his duty to enter the race. That’s the American Way. That’s Jack’s way.

Jack Fowler is invested in Milford. He’s invested in community. A vote for Jack Fowler is a vote for accountable, human-sized government.

Milford couldn’t find a better man with a bigger heart if it tried. Jack Fowler for city clerk.

The Editors comprise the senior editorial staff of the National Review magazine and website.
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