Biden Goes All In to Convince Voters They’re Wrong on the Economy

President Joe Biden delivers remarks on the economy at the IBEW Local 26 in Lanham, Md., February 15, 2023. (Evelyn Hockstein/Reuters)

‘Bidenomics is working,’ he says. You’re just dumb if you disagree.

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‘Bidenomics is working,’ he says. You’re just dumb if you disagree.

P resident Biden is employing an army of spin doctors and speechwriters to convince the two-thirds of the American people who think the economy isn’t good that they are wrong.

“Guess what? Bidenomics is working,” Biden told a cheering union crowd in Chicago last month. “We have a plan that’s turning things around incredibly quickly.”

But Americans still view Biden as the equivalent of a used-car salesman on the economy. The latest Associated Press poll has just 30 percent of adults considering the economy “good,” compared with 45 percent who thought so in the summer of 2021.

The Pew Research Center survey finds that the Republican Party “holds a 12-point advantage on economic policy” over the Democrats. Nearly 70 percent said inflation and the economy are the nation’s top problems.

Biden’s team explains away such numbers by implicitly saying that people don’t know what they are telling pollsters. “In the modern era, media polling analysis is just not as relevant anymore,” one of the president’s advisers told Semafor.

“The level of ignorance voters have about what’s happening in the economy is the equivalent of asking people in 1946 who won World War II and people not knowing it was the Allies,” said Simon Rosenberg, a longtime Democratic consultant. In other words, any voter who thinks things aren’t rosy is rock-stupid.

To be fair, some economic indicators are looking up. Business and academic economists polled by the Wall Street Journal have lowered the probability of a recession in the next twelve months to 54 percent from 61 percent in the prior two surveys.

But it’s dangerous for Biden and his bros to tell people that their perception isn’t reality. The country suffers from low growth, low productivity, and persistent inflation that has clearly eroded take-home pay. Telling people that they are stupid to believe what they are experiencing, that they are wrong to trust what they are seeing with their own eyes, isn’t likely to win over voters in the long run.

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