National Review

NRPLUS Conference Call with David Harsanyi and Rich Lowry

(NRO Illustration: Elijah Smith)

On Friday afternoon, Rich Lowry spoke with David Harsanyi on an exclusive, NRPLUS members-only conference call.

Rich and David kicked off the session with a discussion of David’s new book, Eurotrash. The pair explored the allure of comparing the U.S. to Europe, and why elites are so prone to do so. They also compared the healthcare systems in Europe and the U.S., reviewed whether the U.S. should implement Europe’s VAT tax, and weighed the attraction of green policies in Europe. David also offered an analysis of the “socialist” Scandinavian countries — and, hint, they may not be as socialist as people on the Left would have you believe.

The pair went on to discuss Dobbs, with David putting on his fortune-teller hat to answer: Will the Court overturn Roe? Will Trump run in 2024? And if he does, will he win?

Throughout the call the pair fielded many of your fellow members’ questions, from where David stands on beards to whom David admires on the national stage and whether there is anything good Biden has done in his presidency.

As usual, Rich asked David the standard exit question: Is he optimistic or pessimistic about the long-term prospects of the United States?

You can listen to the full recording above. Thank you to those who joined us for the call, and we look forward to seeing you all for the next one.

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