Politics & Policy

If You Cannot Stand Hillary, Take Comfort

(Steve Marcus/Reuters)

If you cannot stand Hillary Clinton, be comforted by the fact that you have plenty of company. It includes the editors and writers at National Review.

For over two decades, Saul Alinksy’s ace pupil has adorned many a cover of your favorite fortnightly conservative magazine. Whether as a first lady, a senator, a secretary of state, a Democratic presidential candidate, or enabler of a tom-catting husband, NR and NRO have been relentless critics and exposers of this caustic public official and unrivaled cattle-futures trader.

As we have mentioned over the past few days regarding this webathon drive (particularly Rich Lowry’s heartfelt pitch), with no trace of braggadocio we believe that National Review has emerged as an exceptional and premier source of reporting and commentary on Hillary’s e-mail scandals (and the failure of the FBI to recommend prosecution for her blatant and multiple transgressions). Led by Andy McCarthy, David French, and Shannon Coffin, NR writers have provided a constant stream of top-notch analyses that have been read by millions of Americans.

Like you, we too are frustrated by the Clintons’ almost-dark ability to nimbly dodge even the most obvious criminality. It’s as if when they challenge America to Monopoly, they come armed with a stash of extra Get-Out-of-Jail-Free cards.

Despair is a sin, said Bill Buckley frequently. And he was right. We are too busy fighting to despair anyway.

We need your help to keep us in the fight. Unless you are billionaire-owned, the business side of “opinion” journalism is an ulcer-inducing challenge, mitigated by the fact that many of you realize this, and that you further realize that this whole enchilada of standing-athwart is really much more of a cause than it is a factory of smart and influential conservative polemics.

Some of you realizers . . . donate.

Some have yet to, but their conscience tells them — they really should.

If your conscience tells you that, please make your generous donation to National Review, whether it be $10 or a thousand, it’s all generous to us — today, and help us fight Hillary, and whatever other fiends the Left, the progressive, the multiculturalists, and the social justice warriors throw at us in the battle for freedom.

Donate here.

Jack Fowler is a contributing editor at National Review and a senior philanthropy consultant at American Philanthropic.
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