Politics & Policy

Real Questions from Kids for Hillary

Hillary takes a question in Portsmouth, December 29, 2015. (Darren McCollester/Getty)

A new phenomenon started last month when Hillary Clinton turned her mic over to a young boy who was surprisingly knowledgeable about her wage-gap campaign talking point. “My mother is complaining that she doesn’t get much more money than my father,” he stated, to Clinton’s glowing approval.

Fielding questions from children has become a growing trend of late for the Clinton campaign. America’s doting grandmother has realized that it takes a village to pander to as many people as possible without doing herself harm.

“When you are president, how would you help the poor?” another youngster asked Hillary to the adoration of the crowd at a January 3 rally. Clinton responded by turning it back to the children present and asking them if they had any ideas.

In still another instance, a young boy read from a cue card as Hillary placed her hand on his shoulder. “When you become president, what is your plan to connect mental-health problems and guns to make sure that me, my brothers, and my friends are safe from violence at school?”

At a rally the next day Clinton, showing the bold leadership necessary to handle the tough problems we face as a country, took a pressing question from a young tyke: “Do you have a dog or cat?”

That same day, Clinton turned her microphone over to a young girl so she could talk about the effects drug addiction has had on her family. No one is disparaging the girl for telling her story. It certainly was an emotional moment, but that’s really the point, isn’t it?

When there didn’t seem to be any kids present at a rally on January 4, she decided to give a speech and then pack it in for the day without fielding any questions. However, she has already upped her game plan to appeal to this key demographic. Witness her latest ad, which stars “a young feminist” who has joined her campaign as a volunteer.

#share#Hillary has seemingly walled herself off from taking spontaneous questions from adult audience members and the media (which hadn’t been going well) in favor of questions from people who aren’t of voting age.

We here at National Review can appreciate Hillary’s new youth-outreach strategy. So we’ve compiled a small batch of submitted questions from kids as well, in the hope that Mrs. Clinton would be willing to answer them either on social media or at her next rally:

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