National Security & Defense

Democrats: Hats off to Iran for a Civilized Abduction of Our Sailors (Montage)

Since Iran first took captive 10 U.S. sailors, the Obama Administration has avoided issuing any statements of condemnation. Instead, White House officials have repeatedly praised Iran for its “professional” and “courteous” approach.

Secretary of State Kerry, speaking yesterday at the State Department, said, ”I also want to thank the Iranian authorities for their cooperation and quick response. All indications suggest or tell us that our sailors were well taken care of, provided with blankets and food and assisted with their return to the fleet earlier today.”

State Department Spokesman Mark Toner praised Iran for providing the sailors with “blankets, a place to sleep,” even feeding them. 

Administration officials were also quick to argue that were it not for the Iran deal — scheduled to take effect later this week — these sailors would still be in Iranian hands. 

“We can all imagine how a similar situation might have played out three or four years ago,” Kerry continued. “That is a testament to the critical role that diplomacy plays in keeping our country safe, secure, and strong.”

Representatives Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) and Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D., Fla.) also agreed the sailors were treated well thanks to the Obama Administration restoring diplomatic ties with Iran.

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