Politics & Policy

Help Me Take Down the Politically Correct Looney Tunes

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Your contributions make everything that National Review does possible.

Hello friends!

The National Review bosses are running a Webathon — you know, like an online fundraiser — and they’ve asked me to pitch in.

I am happy to do it. Helping us out is such a great idea! If I have already convinced you to be generous, then give HERE.

National Review is a wonderful place to work. People often ask me if it’s depressing to spend my days scouring Social Justice Internet to keep tabs on just how tyrannical the political-correctness movement has become, but I have to admit that it’s actually the opposite. In fact, there are few things I enjoy more than mocking these loons. I’m more than happy to do it so that you don’t have to.

Freedom of speech is essential for a free country; it’s an important check that we have on the people in power. Unfortunately, however, there’s no doubt that freedom of speech is under attack. We are dangerously close to reaching the point where the whole dictionary is going to be considered offensive, and it’s very important to track and mock this trend before it’s too late.

NRO has given me the voice to do just that. Writing for such a well-known publication where so many readers share and tweet your work is such a special opportunity that I’m so grateful to have. By bringing some attention to the madness, I’m playing my little part in William F. Buckley Jr.’s mission of standing athwart history, yelling stop. I’m especially encouraged to see how often people who traditionally don’t side with conservative causes tell me that they agree that the tidal wave of political correctness is something that needs to be stopped. It gives me hope that I’m in a position to make a difference.

Now, it’s true what my bosses tell me: We don’t get by merely on our Web traffic, magazine subscriptions, National Review cruise cabin sales, and good looks. We need your help. In fact, we’ve always needed the help of our readers. This isn’t just a magazine or a website. It’s also a mission. And not only our mission. It’s yours, too — especially if you ever want to be able to talk again without being called a racist.

We do our thing — how about you doing yours? Please contribute. It’s the right thing to do.

We do our thing — how about you doing yours? Please contribute. It’s the right thing to do.

Also, unless enough people donate, Jack Fowler said he will make me clean my desk. I won the “Messiest Desk” superlative award in middle school, and things haven’t changed. If I have to clean it, I will not be able to do any other work for at least three to four weeks — which would mean three to four weeks without me being able to expose the things that threaten our freedoms.

Obviously, we can’t let that happen. So do it.

Do it for me.

Do it for America.

In Liberty,

Katherine Timpf

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