Politics & Policy

Clinton Shows Zero Emotion as Mother Tearfully Recounts Son’s Suicide

‘Thank you so much for being willing to stand up and say that.’

Boston Globe columnist Annie Linskey picked up on an interesting moment at a Hillary Clinton townhall Saturday afternoon, when an attendee shared her son’s story of mental illness and, ultimately, suicide.

Here’s how Linskey relays the story: 

Some in the audience of 300 packed into a Boys & Girls Club in this lakeside town appeared moved by the story. But not, at least that one could tell, the woman who organized the forum, which was intended to focus on the scourge of drug addiction in New Hampshire.

Hillary Clinton physically backed up closer to a wall as she listened and nodded. When the woman finished her story, the leading Democratic presidential contender retrieved a microphone, turned away, and began asking another panelist to respond.

Then she stopped herself. “I’m very sorry,” said Clinton, who followed with a bland observation. “We’re not doing enough on mental health treatment.”

No real show of compassion. No hug or even a touch on the hand.

Indeed, Clinton stands stone-faced throughout the mother’s story. After the story concludes, Clinton walks even further away.

“I want Jackie to respond to that,” Clinton says, pulling up the panelist from her chair. “But again, thank you so much for being willing to stand up and say that.”

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