National Security & Defense

I’m a Millennial and the White House’s Meme Convinced Me to Support the Iran Deal

have to admit that, at first, I wasn’t so sure about the Iran deal.

I mean, Iran being able to delay inspections of suspicious sites, the fact that President Obama didn’t bother to get any of the four Americans imprisoned there, the fact that it could wind up putting billions of dollars into the hands of terrorists who want to brutally murder Americans — you know, stuff like that.

But then I saw this:

And I thought: Ooooooh, a meme! And not just any meme — a cool, topical meme referencing a super-cool movie that all of the super-cool young kids like me really think is super cool.

Now, never mind the fact that the deal actually does not get rid of all of Iran’s uranium and therefore the phrase “straight out of uranium” is factually incorrect.

In fact, never mind any of my previous concerns! I am a Millennial, which means I form all of my political opinions based on memes, and also that I decide which leaders to trust based on whether or not we think the same stuff is cool.

I mean, seriously. Would someone familiar with the new NWA movie really steer our country wrong? No way! Knowledge of pop culture is definitely related to knowledge of foreign relations, and I couldn’t possibly feel any safer.

I now have no doubts that President Obama and his administration are doing the right thing here. Can everyone else please stop being so ridiculous? 

— Katherine Timpf is a reporter for National Review Online.  

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