Politics & Policy

Republicans Have Alternatives to Obamacare

(Photo Illustration: NRO)

Before Democrats passed Obamacare, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi infamously said they had “to pass the bill to find out what’s in it.” The Supreme Court’s decision today doesn’t change the facts: Obamacare was so poorly written, so sloppily created, that all these years later it is still creating confusion and frustration for Americans.

Republicans raised many concerns about Obamacare as it was debated in Congress in 2009 and 2010; that’s why not a single Republican voted for it. Democrats refused to listen, and now American families are paying the price.

Since Obamacare has been implemented, we’ve witnessed slow job growth, rising insurance premiums, and even shuttered small businesses. Despite the president’s promises, millions of families couldn’t keep their insurance plans even if they liked them, and many others cannot visit the doctors of their choice.

RELATED: SCOTUS Rules 6-3 to Maintain Obamacare Subsidies

Now that we’ve identified those who created this mess, it’s important to focus on the future and improving our health-care system. Democrats continue to suggest that Republicans don’t have other plans. That’s because they want people to think there’s no choice but to put up with Obamacare.

There are Republican alternatives, proposed by members of both the House and the Senate. All Republican plans are better than what Democrats, President Obama, and Hillary Clinton have forced on us — and would continue to force on the country. All are better than the mess we’re in.

We agree with the American people on fundamental principles. For example, we believe in putting patients, families, and doctors back in control of their health-care decisions, while getting Washington out of the way. We believe in looking out for the well-being of those who have preexisting conditions. We believe in helping out young adults until they turn 26 if they are unable to find work. We believe in letting insurance companies compete for your business across state lines — to give you a better deal and more choices. And we believe in lawsuit reforms that will help drive down costs.

Frustrated Americans are right to wonder why the Democrats won’t admit they were wrong.

Frustrated Americans are right to wonder why the Democrats won’t admit they were wrong. It’s simple. They don’t want to empower families and their doctors; they want to empower the federal government to decide what kind of health care we get. 

The American people don’t like the law. Since it passed, Americans have elected a large Republican majority to the House of Representatives, sent a Republican majority to the Senate, and put Republicans in charge of 69 of 99 state legislative chambers.

#related#The country is ready for a new direction, and today’s ruling makes it clear that if we want to fix our broken health-care system, we will need to elect Republican leaders with proven ideas and real solutions that will help American families.

The fact is, Hillary Clinton supports big-government mandates. She wants to expand the government’s reach into our health-care system, but what you will not hear from her or from her fellow Democrats is any information or new ideas on how to make health care more affordable or more market-based at a time when premiums are getting more expensive.

Republicans are ready to support the American people. It’s time for President Obama and Hillary Clinton to get on board.

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