
Dolezal’s Resignation Letter Is Ridiculous

(Image via KHQ-TV)
She just can't seem to understand why what she did is such a big deal!

Rachel Dolezal may have resigned from her position as president of the Spokane chapter of the NAACP — but the statement she released seems to suggest that she just doesn’t see why people think what she did is such a big deal.

“I have always deferred to the state and national NAACP leadership and offer my sincere gratitude for their unwavering support of my leadership through this unexpected firestorm,” she wrote.

Yes — “unexpected.” The white woman who spent years portraying herself as black — doing so with an elaborate deceptive scheme that included wearing dark makeup, telling people that her adopted black brother was her biological son, claiming that one of her black friends was her biological father, claiming that her biological father was a Marine who was almost murdered three times by “white subordinates” because they were upset that he was black and held a superior position, saying she would be “nervous” about attending a Tea Party rally because there would be so many white people there, and even allegedly telling a Hispanic student that she could not participate in a classroom activity on race and culture because she looked too white — apparently never could have anticipated getting caught and/or that people would be mad if she did.

RELATED: Dolezal in 2010: I’d Be ‘Nervous’ to Go to a Tea Party Rally Because of the All-White Crowd

#related#Nowhere in the statement did Dolezal apologize for her fraud. Rather, she portrayed herself as more of a victim, even as someone who might deserve credit for the way she’s handling the situation:

“I have waited in deference while others expressed their feelings, beliefs, confusions [ugh, so unbelievable that anyone would find this confusing!] and even conclusions — absent the full story.”

Dolezal also bragged about her work a little, saying she was “delighted that so many organizations and individuals have supported and collaborated with the Spokane NAACP under my leadership to grow this branch into one of the healthiest in the nation in 5 short months.”

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