Politics & Policy

The Democrats’ Pre-Midterm Denials

As the wave loomed, these party faithful never wavered.

Tuesday’s midterm wave was as much a win for the conventional wisdom as for the GOP. After last cycle’s wacky polling, it was striking to see most of America’s electoral prognosticators correctly predict the outcome. With the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, and even the clairvoyants over at FiveThirtyEight all confidently forecasting a Republican takeover, many of those pining for a Democratic victory wisely kept any misplaced optimism to themselves. Many, but not all. 

Here are some of the most forehead-slappingly wrong predictions to issue forth from the mouths of Democratic politicians and pundits in 2014. 

Vice President Joe Biden


The Democratic strategist and omnipresent CNN pundit was bullish on her party’s prospects. “I predict we’re going to have record turnout to match the record spending,” she crowed, “and that is going to give the Democrats a narrow path to victory.” When host Ashleigh Banfield called her a “crazy lady,” Brazile could only smile. “I have faith,” she shrugged.

Juan Williams

This Fox News pundit had already been predicting that Democrats would survive Tuesday’s assault for weeks. But Williams was perhaps alone in his stubborn refusal to admit there would be a Republican wave – even after that wave had clearly crested. “No, it’s not close to wave,” he said. When an incredulous Bret Baier pressed Williams on the eight or nine likely Republican pickups, he continued to demur. “I don’t know how you want to define it,” Williams said. “I dont think — I mean clearly, this has been an anti-incumbent moment, for my money.”

— Brendan Bordelon is an editorial associate at National Review Online.

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