Politics & Policy

Romney Camp Quotes ‘Heartless’ GA Republicans on Immigration

The Romney campaign sent out quotes from Georgia political leaders in an e-mail entitled, “HEARTLESS” GEORGIA REPUBLICANS QUESTION PERRY’S TUITION SUBSIDIES FOR ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS.”

“Governor Perry said that if you don’t agree with his position on giving in-state tuition to illegal immigrants, then you don’t have a heart,” said Mitt Romney in a statement with press release. “I think if you’re opposed to illegal immigration, it doesn’t mean that you don’t have a heart. It means you have a heart and a brain. Legal immigration is good for America. Illegal immigration is something I will stop if I’m president.” 

Statements from Ga. Republicans: 


Attorney General Sam Olens: “Our country has a problem with illegal immigration. Programs like Rick Perry’s in-state tuition breaks for illegal immigrants only make it worse. Instead of providing special benefits for illegal immigrants, our nominee must be someone who will secure the border and end incentives for illegal immigration.”

State Representative Bruce Williamson: “Why does Rick Perry support tuition breaks for illegal immigrants that aren’t available to legal American citizens? It is clear that he is not committed to stopping the incentives that have created our illegal immigration problem. In order to stop illegal immigration, we must have a president who has a record of enforcing immigration laws, not one who has a record creating policies that encourage illegal immigration.”

State Representative Wendell Willard: “Why is Rick Perry in favor of taxpayer subsidies for illegal immigrants? Programs such as his tuition breaks for illegal immigrants only make the problem worse by providing incentives for people to break the law. It makes no sense to use taxpayer dollars to fund benefits for illegal immigrants over Americans from out-of-state.”

State Representative Lynne Riley: “Rick Perry’s support for in-state tuition does not line up with the values of Georgia voters. Georgians support enforcing immigration laws, securing our border, and stopping the practices that draw illegal immigrants to our country. Providing in-state tuition for illegal immigrants incentivizes illegal immigration and makes it harder for our country to stop a growing problem.”

Katrina TrinkoKatrina Trinko is a political reporter for National Review. Trinko is also a member of USA TODAY’S Board of Contributors, and her work has been published in various media outlets ...
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