Politics & Policy

Fundraising Woes Hurting Pawlenty’s Ames Straw Poll Strategy

Yesterday, Tim Pawlenty pushed back against the assumption that it was crucial for him to win Iowa’s Ames Straw poll, saying, “I don’t know that we need to win it. I think we need to do well and show some progress.”

But a report today indicates that the Pawlenty camp wanted to approach the straw poll aggressively, but may not be able to do so, thanks to money shortages. From Jill Lawrence at the Daily Beast:

Pawlenty has budgeted $1.75 million for the straw poll, according to a Republican consultant familiar with the Pawlenty campaign. That’s a major commitment, comparable to what George W. Bush and Steve Forbes spent in 1999 to place first and second ($1.1 million and $1.9 million, respectively, in today’s dollars).

The money could help, if it was there to spend. “They clearly don’t have it. So in the end I’m not sure how they’re going to implement their straw-poll strategy,” the consultant said. “I know so many of the vendors who aren’t getting paid. They are holding back so many bills.” And that’s on top of a Washington Post report last week that several aides are working without pay.

Pawlenty spokesman Alex Conant called the information about the straw poll “inaccurate,” but declined to specify if he means the campaign’s straw-poll budget or whether there’s money to back it up.

Katrina TrinkoKatrina Trinko is a political reporter for National Review. Trinko is also a member of USA TODAY’S Board of Contributors, and her work has been published in various media outlets ...
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