Politics & Policy

Former Bachmann Chief of Staff Says She’s Not Ready for Presidency

Former Bachmann chief of staff Ron Carey (and Minnesota GOP chair during Pawlenty’s tenure as governor) wrote an op-ed yesterday in the Des Moines Register advocating Pawlenty over Bachmann for GOP nominee:


Having seen the two of them, up close and over a long period of time, it is clear to me that while Tim Pawlenty possesses the judgment, the demeanor, and the readiness to serve as president, Michele Bachmann decidedly does not.

Here are the concrete details Carey offers to confirm Bachmann’s inability to serve as president:

The Bachmann campaign and congressional offices I inherited were wildly out of control. Stacks upon stacks of unopened contributions filled the campaign office while thousands of communications from citizens waited for an answer. If she is unable, or unwilling, to handle the basic duties of a campaign or congressional office, how could she possibly manage the magnitude of the presidency?

Katrina TrinkoKatrina Trinko is a political reporter for National Review. Trinko is also a member of USA TODAY’S Board of Contributors, and her work has been published in various media outlets ...
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