Politics & Policy

RNC Meeting Roundup

National Journal’s Reid Wilson live-blogged the RNC’s open-press meetings this morning. His write-up is a good summary of the day’s proceedings. Notably, the rules committee voted to appoint a subcommittee to investigate eliminating the gender-balance requirement for the chairman and co-chairman positions.

The committee also voted to allow the budget committee to elect its chairman — despite opposition from some members, such as Massachusetts committeeman Ron Kaufman. Previously, the RNC chairman had appointed the budget committee’s chairman. Once the rules take effect, the RNC chief will not select the chair, but will appoint an additional member to the committee. For his part, Kaufman argued the RNC chairman, like a CEO, should have more control over the budget process. Indiana committeeman Jim Bopp and others disagreed. They argued all of the party’s committee leadership should be elected. These changes to the rules, however, will take effect only after the 2012 convention.

Read more about the day’s proceedings here.

Brian Bolduc is a former editorial associate for National Review Online.
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