Politics & Policy

Anuzis Responds to Criticism of Election Proposal

Saul Anuzis e-mails RNC Watch to respond to criticism of his support for a measure similar to a national popular vote. “I WILL NOT use my position as Chairman to change the law, push this position and would never, ever use party resources to do so,” Anuzis writes. “I will ONLY support and advocate for positions taken in our party’s Platform.” Read the full e-mail below.

This is a states rights issue where, if elected, as RNC Chairman I would play no role whatsoever.

There are two separate proposals out there, often times causing confusion.

A constitutional amendment to elect the president by national popular vote and eliminate the Electoral College – I do NOT support that.

The other is a state initiative, which is slowly moving its way through the states (only 6 have passed it).  This initiative would change the way electors to the Electoral College are awarded.  Instead of winner take all by state, the states could choose to use the result of the national vote.  I think this idea has merit.

That said, I have very clearly stated that I WILL NOT use my position as Chairman to change the law, push this position and would never, ever use party resources to do so.  I will ONLY support and advocate for positions taken in our party’s Platform.

Brian Bolduc is a former editorial associate for National Review Online.
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