Politics & Policy

Ohio Friday Morning Buzz

Gubernatorial Race

  • Strickland’s office gets its Richard Nixon on, intercepting emails between the Columbus Dispatch and the State Inspector General’s office. The people responsible for this creepiness have been fired.

  • Less thankfully, Ted Strickland is still getting his Gordon Gekko on (as I document over on the home page) and thus far no one’s called him on it.

  • RCP calls Ted Strickland’s situation “not a strong place for an incumbent to be” a month out from the election, even with the decreased poll numbers of John Kasich. But Strickland has a secret weapon…bring back Joe Biden! Because it worked so well the last time.

  • Politics Daily asks the hard questions — like how old John Kasich and Ted Strickland are.

  • Ted Strickland gets booed at a student rally, proving that the left is losing its grip on the younger demographic groups. And one student newspaper makes him and John Kasich sound virtually indistinguishable.

  • Strickland slashes taxes on alternative energy companies. Presumably Newpage–see the Gekko link above–is among them.

Senate Race

House Races

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