Politics & Policy

TN Dem Says Pelosi Should Step Down

Like most Democrats this year, Tennessee congressional candidate Brett Carter would like to distance himself as much as possible from the party leadership. But Carter is taking that sentiment to a whole new level, saying it is “incumbent” on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to step down:

In an interview with POLITICO Thursday evening, Carter slammed Pelosi as a polarizing figure whose leadership of the Democratic Caucus imperiled the party’s House majority and said it was time for someone else to take her place.

“She has become a lightning rod who is keeping us from getting our message out,” said Carter, who also criticized Pelosi for her support of the financial bailout package. “This takes away a baseball bat that Republicans are using to beat us over the heads incessantly.”


“We’re going to lose control with the position we’re in now,” he said. “This is something that a lot of Democrats aren’t saying but are thinking.”

Carter is running against Republican state Sen. Diane Black for the seat held by Rep. Bart Bordon (D., TN-6), who is retiring. Carter faces an uphill challenge in a district that voted 62 percent for McCain in 2008, but for Democrats looking for a way to appeal to voters this fall, he may be onto something.

Andrew StilesAndrew Stiles is a political reporter for National Review Online. He previously worked at the Washington Free Beacon, and was an intern at The Hill newspaper. Stiles is a 2009 ...
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