Politics & Policy

Salazar (CO-3) Favors Extending All of Bush-Era Tax Cuts

According to The Hill, Democratic Rep. John Salazar joins approximately 30 other Democrats in the House and Senate:

The following Democrats have come out in support of extending all of the George W. Bush-era tax cuts. A full extension of the tax cuts would include those individuals making more than $200,000 and families making more than $250,000.

The Pueblo Chieftain has more:


Salazar was among the Blue Dogs who sent the tax letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday.

“While those in the highest income brackets comprise only 2 or 3 percent of American taxpayers, economists estimate that they are responsible for 25 percent of national consumer spending,” the letter said. “As 70 percent of our economy is driven by consumer spending, this is not the time to jeopardize further growth.”

In releasing the letter, Salazar said all of the tax cuts would keep the economy moving forward. He noted that President Barack Obama’s Fiscal Commission is expected to report to Congress in the next few months on steps needed to reduce the federal deficit.

“That’s why I want to extend the tax cuts for one year,” Salazar said in a statement. “It will allow our economy to continue to recover and give Congress a clearer picture of our fiscal situation before Congress takes more action.”

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