Politics & Policy

Nevada Evening Review

  • Twenty-two House Republican members have not given any money to the National Republican Congressional Committee this cycle. Nevada Rep. Dean Heller, who is up for reelection this year, is one of them.

  • Las Vegas CityLife editor Steve Sebelius interprets statements made by Harry Reid on the Senate floor today. Funny:

U.S. Sen. Harry Reid returned to Washington, D.C. today with a stirring call to his fellow senators to help him get re-elected back in Nevada, where he remains almost as popular as arthroscopic surgery but not quite as admired as a teeth-cleaning appointment.

  • Several rank-and-file Democrats are urging Reid and Pelosi to extend all the tax cuts for everyone.

  • Gubernatorial candidate Brian Sandoval is apparently not going to be able to convince a Harley-Davidson manufacturing plant to come to Nevada.

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