Politics & Policy

Election Ad Mania

This year’s election may set spending records, according to the AP. Florida’s TV viewers are experiencing the trend firsthand, through a slew of new advertisements.

Here’s “Charlie Crist, an independent” telling us that he only works for one party: Americans. (Although it remains to be seen whether the actual American Party will reciprocate his overtures should Crist lose independents’ support and seek another place to bolt.)


Kendrick Meek, meanwhile, debuted an upbeat ad this morning on “Morning Joe” touting the differences that set him apart. Meek wants you to know that he’s the only candidate in this race who knows how to drive one of those totally cool fan-powered boat things, so he’s the only one you should invite alligator hunting with you.

 Finally, Democratic incumbent Ron Klein of the 22nd district wants you to know that Allen West is a bad, bad man who doesn’t pay his bills. PolitiFact has rated these claims (albeit in a different ad) as “mostly true.”

West released a statement acknowledging financial hardship and suggested that although he had a lien placed on his house, Klein had a lien placed on the People’s House: “When one considers that Ron Klein is questioning the roughly $15,000 my family has or is working to repay, I have several questions for Ron Klein: What about the trillions of dollars you have wasted at the taxpayer’s expense?”

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