Politics & Policy

Toomey Cautions on Renewed Israel-Palestine Talks

In advance of the coming sit-down to renew Middle East peace plans, Pat Toomey issued a press release urging those involved to maintain a fair process for both the Israelis and the Palestinians. Toomey also called out “the United Nations, the Russians, and the Europeans” for being too critical of Israel.

As the Israeli and Palestinian governments sit down to talk, U.S. Senate candidate and former small business owner Pat Toomey released the following statement, urging President Obama and Secretary of the State Hillary Clinton not to place undue pressure on Israel to make concessions that would be harmful to its national security.

I am hopeful about news that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and Palestinian President Abbas are sitting down for direct talks.  But I’m also wary.  Too often such talks produce little substance, and devolve into casting unfair blame at Israel for its legitimate efforts to guard its own security, while ignoring the unending violence that is openly encouraged by Palestinian leaders.  That is especially the case with negotiations that involve the United Nations, the Russians, and the Europeans. I encourage President Obama to work against that tendency, and to set the tone in these talks by stressing the very real national security concerns Israel is dealing with.”

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