Politics & Policy

OH-16 Bodes Well for GOP, says Renacci Campaign Manager

For 58 years, Ohio’s 16th District was a Republican district.

That changed in 2008 when Democrat John Boccieri swept in to replace retiring Congressman Ralph Regula on a platform of fiscal responsibility. Two years and several votes for Obamacare and Cap and Trade later, sources close to the statewide party in Ohio say that the result in Ohio’s 16th District would set the tone for races throughout the state.

James Slepian, campaign manager for Republican challenger Jim Renacci, seconded this view in an exclusive interview with Battle ‘10.

“The 16th District has voted the same way as the country in presidential years,” Slepian said. “It was a Republican seat for 58 years… Ideologically it’s a very conservative district, but the demographics are indicative of a microcosm of America.”

And the microcosm is mad. Slepian said that the district’s heavy reliance on the coal industry for jobs meant severe anger when Boccieri voted for the Waxman-Markey climate-change bill, which included Cap and Trade. The bad economy is, unsurprisingly, foremost in voters’ minds. Slepian said Rep. Boccieri has been forced to resort to Washington connections for money and enthusiasm.

“Boccieri certainly has support from DC and outside groups, like labor unions,” Slepian said. “AFSCME has spent over half a million dollars running ads for him already. If you follow the money, he only raised $11,000 from individuals. The vast majority of his money comes from PACs. His support on the ground here has really kind of collapsed.”

By contrast, Slepian said, 80 percent of Renacci’s contributions have come from individuals. And judging by the one internal poll conducted in May, that number is reflective of an enthusiasm gap. “The poll showed the race at 47 percent for Renacci, 34 percent for Boccieri,” Slepian said. “But our general view on this thing is that the only poll that matters is the one that’s on November 2. We’re not taking anything for granted.”

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