Politics & Policy

Grayson Throws a Gas Can on House District’s Fiery Rhetoric

Never one to leave things where they lay, Rep. Alan Grayson of FL-8 has re-ignited the smoldering controversy surrounding a statement made by one of the district’s GOP primary candidates, state representative Kurt Kelly.

After Grayson missed voting on a war supplement bill, Kelly questioned if Grayson wants American troops to die.

“He put our soldiers, and our men and women in the military in harm’s way, and in fact, maybe he wants them to die,” Kelly said on Fox Business on July 30.

Grayson responded that he missed the vote due to a personal emergency, and that he would not have voted for the bill anyway.

But now Grayson is escalating the drama for his latest fundraising pitch:

Yes, Kurt. I do want them to die: of old age, at home in bed, surrounded by their loved ones, after enjoying many Thanksgiving turkeys between now and then. And you want them to die: in a scorching desert, 8000 miles from home, alone, screaming for help, with a leg blown off and their guts hanging out of their stomachs, bleeding to death.

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