Politics & Policy

The Best Until Last

Our fund drive isn't over without a party!

You are cordially invited to a National Review Online party, with your favorite NRO-niks, on September 18 at 7 P.M., at my home in Virginia.

At this first of its kind get-together plan on enjoying four of the following: cocktails, charades, door prizes, buffet, music, readings from Jonah’s selected writings, Cosmo, surprise guests, narrated tree-house slide show.

Who is the aforementioned “You”? Any of our loyal readers who contributes $750 as a single or $1,000 as a couple to NRO.

Be part of history, mark yourself as a member of The Corner’s in-crowd, hear all the inside gossip about K-Lo, Derb, and Ramesh, support a great cause, and plan on having fun.

To put your name on the guest list, call NR at (212) 679-7330 or e-mail klopez@nationalreview.com. You have until noon Tuesday to sign up to be part of this first-of-its-kind event. I look forward to seeing you there!

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