Politics & Policy


“I think that there will be those who say, ‘Where is the traditional spouse?’ and there will be those–and let’s not forget the vast majority of American women work today–there will be those who will say, ‘Hallelujah, I’m tired of seeing women dragged along in the wake of some guy who wants to use her as a prop so he can get elected president of the United States.’”

Howard Dean, explaining his wife’s absence on the campaign trail, in an interview with Burlington, Vermont’s WPTZ, December 13, 2002.

“Let me thank Judy. I really appreciate her coming down to New Hampshire. This is a very close race, and it is getting closer every day.”

Howard Dean, during a day of campaigning with his wife, January 25, Manchester, N.H.

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“After I get done, Hillary will be president.”

Howard Dean, at a January 25 candidates’ forum, answering the question of when a woman will be elected president.

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“I say things that I probably ought not to say, but I lead with my heart, and that’s what I was doing right there, leading with my heart.”

Howard Dean, on ABC’s Primetime, further seeking to limit the damage from his red-faced, teeth-baring, screaming “YAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!” concession speech in Iowa on January 19.

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“Somehow we got caught in the mutually assured destruction of a harsh, negative, vitriolic campaign that created very negative images of Howard at the very time that he needed to humanize himself.”

Steven Grossman, Dean campaign chairman, in the New York Times, assessing the damage following Dean’s red-faced, teeth-baring, screaming “YAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!” concession speech in Iowa on January 19.

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“Well, you’ve got to have a little fun in this business.”

Howard Dean, January 20, 2004, on CBS, explaining his red-faced, teeth-baring, screaming “YAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!” concession speech in Iowa the night before.

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Howard Dean, January 19, 2004, screaming his intention to keep fighting

after finishing third in the Iowa caucuses.

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“This president is not interested in being a good president. He’s interested in some complicated psychological situation that he has with his father.”

Interview with Rolling Stone, Feb. 5, 2004 issue.

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From the People magazine January 8, 2004 interview with Howard Dean and his wife, Judith Steinberg:

Question: Is there a silly, playful, affectionate side, like if you’re cooking does he come up behind you with a tickle or something?

Dean: Certainly we’re not going to discuss THAT!

Steinberg: I don’t cook.

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“Here’s a good one–highly qualified teachers, right? The president is going to decide who highly qualified teachers are! [crowd laughter] He had so many of them, right? [more laughter] I shouldn’t have said that. It’s not presidential.”

–Howard Dean, December 28, 2003, in speech in Ames, Iowa, on the campus of Iowa State University

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NOTE: “Deanisms”–a look at the constantly evolving self-expression of the Democratic frontrunner — is a new feature starting today on NRO. It will appear as often as warranted, which could be quite frequently, given the candidate’s way with words. Readers are invited to send nominations for future Deanisms to byork@nationalreview.com.

NR Staff comprises members of the National Review editorial and operational teams.
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